Sunday, 10 March 2013

United Pay Check

Concept: Adport
Each United Paycheck AdPort is worth $20.
Each United Paycheck AdPort earn an Ad revenue of 30 cents per day for you.
The life time of an United Paycheck AdPort is 100 days.
At the 100th Day your total earning will be 1.5 times of your investment
There is potential that you can earn even more then 1.5 time if you opt compounding for your daily earning, refer Financial Roadmap Sheet to calculate your earning
In general you can double you investment in every 48 days
Example If an associate purchases $80 worth, he will be assigned 4 AdPorts. These AdPorts will expire after 100 days. Crediting total $120 (4 AdPorts * 100 Days * 30 Cents per day) in associates E-Vallet

The Concept: AdBank

100th Day
On 100th Day Your AdPorts will expire
A group of expired 4 AdPort will generate an AdBank

Ad Bank
Collection of 6 AdPort
Out of 6 AdPort, 4 Ad ports comes in a group after they expires
Once mature (A collection of 6 AdPort) gives you $ 120

1. Open United Paycheck website and click on register
2. Enter your email id for reciving verification code and login credentials
3. Collect verification code from your email id and verify on our website
4. Use Sponser id - 610473
5. Fill up all your information
6. Choose Placement - left
7. Submit registration form and now you'l recive an email for successful registration with login credentials